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How Exercise Can Prevent Gum Disease

November 17, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — donlandsfamily @ 12:07 pm
A dentist explaining the relationship between gum disease and exercise

Most people just focus on cleaning their mouths to protect their oral health. In particular, they remember to brush their teeth twice daily, floss once daily and rinse with mouthwash as needed. However, did you know physical activity can also help your teeth and gums? Indeed, research shows that staying fit can prevent gum infection. If you’d like to learn more, your East York dentist has the scoop. Read on to learn how gum disease and exercise don’t get along, with the latter working to stop the former.

What’s Gum Disease?

Put simply, gum disease is a bacterial infection of your mouth’s gums. It usually stems from poor oral hygiene, genetics, and habits like smoking.

In most cases, the condition’s symptoms are bad breath, red and swollen gums, painful chewing, and so on. However, further complications can occur when it reaches its advanced form (i.e., periodontitis). Even worse, late-stage gum disease can’t be reversed; dentists can only manage it.

What are its Effects?

Beyond its initial signs, gum disease can do serious harm in the long run. Such effects include the following:

  • Loose Teeth: When a gum infection reaches your jawbone, it’ll cause your teeth to loosen.
  • Tooth Loss: Once gum disease loosens your teeth enough, it’ll eventually make them fall out of your mouth.
  • Gum Abscesses: A gum abscess is a collection of pus that forms in your gum tissue. It usually results from bacterial infection.
  • Heart Disease: The same bacteria that trigger gum disease can spread to your chest. If and when they do, they might harden your arteries and make it harder for blood to reach your heart.

How Does Exercise Prevent It?

Fortunately, the relationship between gum disease and exercise is a negative one. Studies show that the physically active (those who exercise 1-3 times weekly) are 1/3 less likely to get infected gums. Even better, rigorous physical activity 3-5 times a week reduces gum disease risk by 50 percent!

Exercise’s positive oral effect is likely due to how it affects your digestive system. Namely, it gets your blood pumping and creates more bowel movements. From there, your body absorbs more vitamins and minerals that strengthen and protect your gums. Furthermore, physical activity regulates blood sugar, including sugars that feed oral bacteria.

Ultimately, you can count on fitness to strengthen your gums as well as your limbs. Therefore, make sure to get daily exercise so your mouth stays healthy!

About the Practice

Donlands Family Dentistry is based in East York, ON. As led by Drs. Nabeel Ahmed , our practice provides high-quality, stress-free dental care for all. To that end, we perform customized preventive, cosmetic, and restorative treatments, as well as emergency smile procedures. Furthermore, our office also offers periodontal therapy for those who need it. For more information or to book a visit, you can reach us on our website or by phone at (416)-551-5224.

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